Tree Care

Proper Pruning

We provide you with fully trained Certified Arborists to maintain your trees and shrubs. We do not “top” trees, and no Certified Arborist will. Please ask us for more information on why “topping” is harmful to trees. Our pruning is done to ISA standards and we will advise you on proper methods and when to have your pruning done.

REMEMBER: Winter is a very good season to prune most trees

Canadian Tree Care
Canadian Tree Care

Envirocare / Pest & Disease Management

Call us to have your trees and shrubs inspected regularly for pests and diseases. We will only provide treatment when it is completely necessary with environmentally friendly products. Some companies will spray trees over and over again without checking pest populations first. We only do inspect and treat programs. Once again we believe in being PROACTIVE by keeping trees and shrubs healthy by proper fertilizing and watering. A healthy plant resists pests and diseases much better than an unhealthy one. The following are some pests we typically have in the Edmonton area:

The very best treatment is preventative maintenance and selecting the right tree for the right location at the time of planting.

  • Yellowheaded Sawfly Larvae – usually mid June to July on Spruce Trees
  • Forest Tent Caterpillars – young caterpillars hatch around early May on Aspen, Poplar, Maple, Birch, Ash and sometimes fruit trees
  • Satin Moth – usually in May and sometimes again in late summer on Willow and Poplar trees
  • Cottony Psyllids – little control with any sprays on Black Ash trees
  • Ash Leaf/Cone Caterpillar – early to mid June migrates on a silk line on Green Ash trees
  • Pear Sawfly – early June on Purple Leaf Sandcherry and Cottoneaster
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We Are Right Here To Help You Realize Your Green Dream

call us: (780) 464-9933

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